Sunday 7 August 2011

That was a long time...

Greetings to those who may bother to read this post.
That was a long silence,but I never seem to get on the computer any more.My job as a maid and babysitter is now over so I may have more time now.
At the moment I am listening to a sermon on the critical spirit.Certainly not a thing the christian wants in their life.
Last week my goat's last kid(she had two one died 2 weeks after birth)died.We are not sure what the cause was.It wasn't too bad as the kid was a billy and we were only planning to slaughter him for meat anyway.I have got tough since we moved here.I was just saying to someone the other day that 3 years ago when my favourite chicken died I cried but now those animals are not pets anymore so it really doesn't affect like it used to.Only the dogs are really pets now.
Okay its dark and I need to close ducks in.

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